Hi everyone. I'm pretty much a beginner. Right now...
# android
Hi everyone. I'm pretty much a beginner. Right now I'm moving from intents to using NavigationController. My issue is that when I'm adding arguments, there is no argument for Double.
google 2
is using primitive wrappers an option when it comes to setting argument types in this case? I have not tried it personally but it might be an option.
I'm not sure what that means
Floot, Long, Boolean, String, Custom Parcelable, Custom Serializable
Are my alternatives
I’m talking about something like
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    app:argType="java.lang.Double" />
I'm trying it
Got an error about class is java.lang.Double but found Float
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Caused by: org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: Type is java.lang.Double but found float: 0
        at androidx.navigation.NavInflater.checkNavType(NavInflater.java:262)
        at androidx.navigation.NavInflater.inflateArgument(NavInflater.java:226)
        at androidx.navigation.NavInflater.inflateArgumentForDestination(NavInflater.java:146)
is this the problem? android:defaultValue="0.0"
ok after looking a bit more into it, it seems that it’s just not possible to work with doubles as things are. Possibly once it’s out of the beta or a coming update might support it, but even using the primitive wrappers doesn’t seem like it will work. What you could do maybe is pass the value you need in a bundle when calling
hm. that's so odd that they aren't supporting Double
I need to pass google map location
I’m sure its in the works, as I see more than a few people have brought this up in forums. Fingers crossed at least 🤞
Yes eventually 🙂.
How would you modify this code to make it work?
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val action = SetLocationFragmentDirections.actionDestinationSetLocationToDestinationFindJobs()
                action.lat = job.lat
                action.lon = job.lon
It's hard learning android from scratch (almost). They keep the old functionality but you're not supposed to use it etc. A lot of talk when reading up on something is about how it's an improvement over the old technique that I don't yet know about.
I'm using a string instead, and then convert it back
I tried the bundle but the code gets messier and it doesn't use my action so it breaks my back stack