I have confuse when using lifecycleScope in fragme...
# android
I have confuse when using lifecycleScope in fragment, why the fragment’s context is null inside lifecycleScope? I also asked this on stackoverflow, here is the link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56415530/why-the-fragments-context-null-inside-lifecyclescope
It’s make sense.
has lifecycle of fragment and it’s != to lifecycle of context or view
Answered on SO
Thanks, really helped!
Thanks, really help but seems I can’t upvote this with enough scorev
You can acceprt answer instead of upvote 😁
😁 1
First time ask question on stackoverflow and founded the accept button😂
And I also have a doubt in your answer, the lifecycleScope of Fragment starts from onCreate until onDestroy, are as I know these lifecycle’ events inside onAttach to onDetach? If in, when using lifecycleScope of Fragment it self may cause a update UI exceptions but not a IllegalStateException of empty context.
may cause a update UI exceptions but not a IllegalStateException of empty context
No, because this job may executing even when context is null
and context is null when fragment is detached
I mean that because the onDestroy event happen before onDetach, so the code inside lifecycleScope will be canceled before onDetach
So yes, onCreate initially called after onAttach initially, but context is not avavilable after onDetach and before next onAttach
I see what you mean
So why there is a IllegalStateException of empty context when I use the Fragment’s lifecycleScope…
okay, so essentially fragment have context only after super.onCreateView, not directly related to onAttach/onDetach, I updated answer
with the new android support for coroutines in fragment you have
which should follow the lifecycle of the view instead o the fragment and prevent this issues
yes, I already mentioned this on SO
I’m digging to source code of Fragment and Fragment manager and understand that I understand less and less 🙈
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I try to use
, but it throw a Exception before onCreateView() or after onDestroyView(), for protected the method be called in a safe way, how about the below way?
Copy code
fun foo() = viewLifecycleOwnerLiveData.value?.lifecycleScope?.launch {
Sure, it throws exception, and this is the whole point, do not start it out of view lifecycle
you can use:
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated {  }
that way inside the coroutine you know that view state is atleast created
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