Hi boys... any suggestions for Android Studio Git ...
# android
Hi boys... any suggestions for Android Studio Git (Bitbucket) Plugin with pull-requests fnct?
This is not related to Kotlin, please check topic of this channel
yoyo ... i saw android and android is a AS and development for android is Kotlin ... so ....hmmm
It's not even related to Android 😬
OK .. but .. 🤔 ... this channels called Android .. developer tool is Android Studio ... so.... and if you work with Android Studio .. mayby somebody have suggestions for bitbucket plugin with pull request fnct ... \so i asked . coz i looking for it significantly part of day ... if not ... than sorry
They're trying to keep this Slack workspace absolutely Kotlin-related. You might have more luck on AndroidChat.slack.com, I believe this is the largest Android workspace out there, although less active than this one.
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AS don't have own plugins system, all the plugins are actually IDEA plugins, so it's not something Android specific, and definitely not Kotlin related
💯 1
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And don't exclude girls from the greeting. They must be sad now.
😂 1