Anyone have any links/resources for Android XML st...
# android
Anyone have any links/resources for Android XML style guides?
No. But you can check in Android Studio,
Editor -> Code Style -> XML
. do
setFrom... -> Predefined Style -> Android
and review what that set the settings to
this repository is style guide for own Google projects, not for recommended or official for Android, so I would use it for own project only if you think it's good, not because Google use it for own projects
👆 2
(yes Im looking onto you mHungarianNotation)
Yeah for Kotlin Style I use: for the most part, but they don’t list recommendations for XML that I can find there. So it’s at least a starting point.
I think we are not supposed to be looking at XML as much anymore with the new UI editor and constraintlayouts... however I am still always editing XML because after 8 years of doing that, it's a habit I just will never break. 🙂