simpleUML, PlantUML, none seem to be budging
# android
simpleUML, PlantUML, none seem to be budging
What issues are you having? I’ve been using PlantUML as a library from Kotlin code for a while on a normal JVM, never had any issues. Might be issues specifically when running on Android, but Kotlin itself shouldn’t be the problem
the context here is Android of course, I want to be able to point it to my src directory and have it generate the UML diagram for my classes
ever tried that?
Intellij Idea Ultimate built-in tool was the best for Java. Maybe it'll handle Kotlin as well.
I maintain Orchid, a project for documenting code, especially Kotlin, and have just started having some discussions around adding something like that. Not currently supported out-of-the-box, but is definitely possible with some customization and is quickly becoming a highly desired feature. I would love to hear more about what specifically your’re looking for in these diagrams, if you wanted to share your thoughts in this issue
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For more context, this article is an overview of how to use Orchid to build a nice docs site for a Kotlin project. The linked issue would add generated diagrams to this