hi guys, is only me or with latest kotlin update o...
# android
hi guys, is only me or with latest kotlin update on my app we are facing strange behavior with support-library like shapes not being rendered properly because some support components just don’t read the value of some properties ,with my team we verified that only changing the kotlin version generate the problem.
Hi Miguel, as a general rule with things like this I like to do the following:
./gradlew -stop
./gradlew clean
Only because changing things that aren't intrinsic with the project can cause some interesting issues, otherwise... 🤯
Also- concrete example would be amazing
yes i did everything already, the concrete example is, I have a shape (simple square with curved borders) as a background for a ConstraintLayout which resizes depending of the content of an internal TextView and a simple image, very simple, with the new kotlin basically the shape only resize in the Y coordinates. so the shape looks super weird. I did a layout inspector and the problem is on the shape render, the objects
and the only one change I did was change kotlin version. going back to the previous one works as usual