Hey guys, did anyone have that one before? Google ...
# android
Hey guys, did anyone have that one before? Google doesn't yield any useful result. I can't get the initial Gradle sync working.
New Gradle Sync is not supported due to containing Kotlin modules using an unsupported plugin version
https://scans.gradle.com/s/x2sugy65vmttq#failure Gradle 5.1.1/5.3.1/5.4.1, Kotlin 1.3.21/1.3.31, Kotlin IDEA Plugin 1.3.31, Android Studio 3.4 I've tried different Gradle and Kotlin versions and different ways of loading Kotlin/Android gradle plugins without success. EDIT: wow, Android Studio 3.5 Canary: New Gradle Sync is not supported due to containing buildSrc module
Alright, after a lot of back & forth I can now work around. Even though the sync now fails at the project import at least the Gradle project is listed under "Gradle" now so I can sync once more and the second sync is finally successful… No idea why the Gradle project suddenly shows up again. It didn't before.
I just got the same thing!
💯 1
Did you encounter gradle sync not starting automatically, and manual gradle sync doing nothing in Android Studio?
It only tries syncing once (or never) depending on some files in the .idea folder. Manually triggering sync afterwards in both cases did nothing.