Is it ok to have meta conversations about channel ...
# android
Is it ok to have meta conversations about channel policy in-channel?
I appreciate how that question is like meta^3.
I'd prefer a thread directly in a channel. Affected people are already there.
Honestly, it’s a topic that’s constantly talked about, but I’m just wondering if there’s anything else we can do about questions that don’t pertain to Kotlin at all. I’m not that familiar with configuring Slack. I’ve never administrated a workspace before. But I was just wondering if there was a possibility of putting a localized message in the text hint or a warning message above/below the text input in order to make it super clear about what is and what isn’t on-topic?
oh, it's not about collective decision, but more technical configuring. Indeed, #meta is better in this case because people there actually take care of technical maintenance. Sorry for confusion.
Or, we shamelessly summon @orangy ...
I don’t really want to get off-topic. I just was on SO and was thinking it’d be great if we had just a bunch of off-topic warnings all over the place like they do.
Like in many other similar situations, there is no technical solution. It’s a social situation, and it best works with appropriate culture.
That’s unfortunate, thanks for taking the time to respond