I was trying out the Factory pattern. What do you ...
# android
I was trying out the Factory pattern. What do you guys recommend? Using a constructor or factory pattern? (I know the use of isXavailable and isXabsent is not smart, but copied something from iOS sourceCode, still need to fix this)
Constructor, I don’t see why you need this create method, it’s perfectly work to pass model in primary constructor
Not in primary, that one needs to be an empty constructor. I use it in the 2nd constructor
Well thanks, found this solution 😉
Depending on why you needed an empty constructor, this may not work. Actually, I’m not sure.
If you have some reflection looking for a constructor without arguments, would it find something if you only have a constructor with default values for all parameters?
Thanks for mentioning, I tried val viewModel = MedicationAgreementRequesterViewModel::class.java.newInstance() and this just works 😉
Seems like I don’t even need the init
ViewModelView, I like that!
😂 1
ViewModelView :
Copy code
abstract class ViewModelView : ViewModel(), LayoutResIdProvider
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Copy code
interface LayoutResIdProvider {
    var layoutResId: Int
Used in a RecyclerView in combination with DataBinding 😉
Damn, I still need a init, because I have this updateForChanged() method which accesses the properties. Guess it’s time to learn about delegates, I understand them, but don’t know when or how to use them exactly
@Geert this seems weird. ViewModelView, has a layoutResProvider, which seems like a anti pattern. The layout shouldn't be coupled to a ViewModel at all...Even with databinding. For one or more constructors, you will need to create a inner class that inherits from ViewModelProvider.Factory and override the create(modelClass: Class<T>). if not Viewmodel won't work as intended.
Well I use the ViewModel inside a recyclerview and and use the layoutResId as viewType to create a viewholder. So it saves me a lot of work
Yea its a anti pattern. instead ,specify the layout res in your recyclerview
It may work but its a bad practice, and also leads to things not being flexible
Hmm, I thought it was just flexible 😅
Are you sure? I really liked this simple Adapter…
Nah, not at all. .. if you put specify the layout res in the viewmodel, that means the viewmodel should only work with that layout.
💯 1
I dont see that as a problem. I just want to bind a specific viewmodel to a specific view
lol whats the point of putting list[position].layoutResId ,if its always going to be the same Layout Re
why not just put the LayoutRes itself
No, I can add a generic list into this adapter
Each viewmodel has its own layout, and I made a factory pattern to bind a object to a layout.
Oh ok... But at this point ,your factory method isn't using the Viewmodel provider.factory, so is Extending from Viewmodel even useful at this point?
why not just extend from LayoutResIdProvider directly
Just out of curiosity, doesn’t this pattern break if you want multiple types in a list?
@rook judging by the actual implementation, each type would need its on ViewModelView.