you never need to mock that class as it's stateles...
# android
you never need to mock that class as it's stateless and contains only pure functions
If I dont need to mock it? then why does it error with it saying its not mocked?
Method decode in android.util.Base64 not mocked
Because you're trying to run it on the JVM where the implementation does not exist (as it's an Android API)
as I know, android.util.Base64 is belong to android framework, you cannot run on JVM environment
i’m not sure if it’s a good solution. in my case, I have to create another android.util.Base64 in my
Ok this makes sense, how do I go about testing this function? fun String.encrypt(): String? { try { val secretKey = SecretKeySpec(Base64.decode(Key.toByteArray(Charset.forName(“UTF-8”)), Base64.NO_WRAP), “AES”) val iv = IvParameterSpec(Base64.decode(IV, Base64.NO_WRAP)) val cipher = Cipher.getInstance(AlGORYTHM) cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey, iv) return String(Base64.encode(cipher.doFinal(this.toByteArray(Charset.forName(“UTF-8”))), Base64.NO_WRAP)) } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } return null }
Pass Base64 implementation abstraction as argument or just use own Base64 implementation that available without Android Framework
or test it in instrumentation tests
like this fun String.encrypt(myBase64:Base64)?
You're relying on Android's implementation, so you really should test it on Android.
👍 3
Thus instrumentation testing instead
Or, also, just implement base 64 encode/decode yourself since it's not too complicated
lol not complicated to one is well complicated to another ha 🙂
still a noob to all of this.
That being said (the advice is hugely appreciated)
maybe someone could advise if I where to move it to the instrumentation test how do I get android studio to see the coverage, I know that coverage is not all that important but still learning and figure there must be a way?
Well instrumentation test was easy lol 🙂 and works so thank you again.
lol not complicated to one is well complicated to another ha
You can just copy implementation from AOSP, Apache 2.0, so it’s legal also didn’t change for 9 years
🙂 1
But truly overkill as Jake had indicated best to just move the test to instrumentation test. Sucks cause it pulls my code coverage down (but If I where to implement from ASOP then i would have to write test for that (seems silly). If there is a way to tell the code coverage to ignore or include stuff that’s tested by the instrumentation test that would be ideal.
Depends on what is “overkill” for you. For me overkill is to use a couple Util methods from Framework and be forced to run them on a real device
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I have that it doesnt seem to factor in the built in android studio code coverage tool
This one. I did however figure out how to ignore a file.
Not sure about AS coverage tool, because in this case you have 2 different reports one from unit, one from instrumentation
yeah it seems that it only includes the ones from unit
I could also have used robolectric but i find its very slow
Intrumentation tests most probably slower than robolectric
Of course but adding in robolectric test when doing TDD really slows things down.
as Jake had indicated best to just move the test to instrumentation test.
Best is to write an abstraction (wrapper) if you don't want to mess with copy-pasting implementation. Instrumentation is least favorite out of these 3 options.
Roboelectric might be slow, but its probably better than manually mocking out all those Android stubs 😅. Your app should be architected in a way ,that separates all the business logic from the android specific code.. than you should just be unit testing your business logic and instrumentation testing your UI stuff
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@rkeazor Do you happen to have a good example of that?