“Android’s ClipboardManager” by Frankdroid7 <https...
# android
“Android’s ClipboardManager” by Frankdroid7 https://link.medium.com/QzmI6mRlFV
👎 1
Does not explain the one thing I was looking for; what is the purpose of the ClipData description?
@Marcin Wisniowski The ClipData description, describes what 'type' of data is in the ClipBoard at a particular time, it may be a "text" or a "URI" or an "Intent"
Ah, thank you, this wasn't clear to me based on the article, I thought it was something separate from the type, but it seems the description is just the type.
Yes, exactly, it's just the 'type of data'
Is there a standard way to copy an image to clipboard? I've tried using a FileProvider, but it doesn't do anything when I paste it on the calling app. My guess is it doesn't handle that URL and MIME. Thoughts?
Yes, if the receiving application does not include the functionality to accept that type of data, it won't work. @Fredrik Larsen