Hey all. Anyone have any insight as to why `R` is ...
# android
Hey all. Anyone have any insight as to why
is giving me an unresolved reference error? edit: The solution was to downgrade the Android Gradle Plugin to 3.2.1 from 3.3.0 in Intellij, as there were some breaking changes that were not brought over.
doesn’t look like you’re importing R
import com.yourpackage.app.R
It doesn't show as being able to import R when I manually import it
have you done the clean+invalidate_caches rigmarole?
Yeah, multiple times 😞 refreshed dependencies too
I am 100% sure I’ve been in this situation and I cannot remember how I resolved it 🤔
😂 2
😢 1
remove ./idea/libraries folder in your project then invalidate caches + restart android studio and sync project with gradle, for me it usually helps 😉
File > Sync Project with Gradle Files
@ubububu have tried that, did not work
@Grzegorz Matyszczak did not work unfortunately
It probably means your R.java cannot be compiled, you probably have an invalid resource or something. Check your recent changes on resources.
Try to delete {projectDir}/.idea/libraries than File -> Sync Project with Gradle Files.
Which IDE on which version are you using? Does it compile with gradle from CLI when you add the import manually?
@ribesg I did look at my resources, I don't see any visible errors anywhere 😣
@louiscad I'm using Intellij 2018.3.5. It does not compile when I add the import manually from the IDE or CLI
@Shan I think you’re using the 3.3 version of the Android Gradle Plugin. Try to rollback to 3.2.1
Well, @ribesg , I use classpath 'com.android.tools.buildG3.3.2'
and i don't have that issue
@paulex and you’re using Android Studio
Yes of course
That’s the issue. 3.3 isn’t compatible with IntelliJ IDEA right now
Or rather, IntelliJ IDEA isn’t compatible with 3.3. There was a coordinated change between Android Studio and the Android Gradle Plugin on how R is built that was not made in IntelliJ IDEA. I also didn’t check if it was fixed in a recent version of IDEA or in the Android Gradle Plugin 3.3.1 or 3.3.2, as I’m still on 3.2.1 for now.
oh okay... so this is intelliJ? as in that is what she uses?
Oh, Okay seen.
@ribesg downgrading to 3.2.1 solved it 🙂 Thanks so much! That was driving me bonkers
🙌 1
Now I’m wondering if there’s a task we could track to know when we IDEA users will be able to update to 3.3.x
Can't seem to find one, so this means I will resort to my tried and true strategy of shifting the version up every few days or so and see if it compiles 👍
Don't use AGP 3.3, it makes your release apps (post R8 processing) crash on KitKat. Use 3.2 with proguard, use 3.3 with R8 explicitly disabled on IntelliJ 2019.1+, or use Android Studio 3.4+
@Shan it’s a good strat but I always fail to remember why I wasn’t updating. For example I know that there is a problem with Gradle 5.2.1 that prevents me from upgrading from Gradle 5.1.1 but I can’t remember which one
And now I don’t know if Gradle 5.3 fixed the problem because I don’t remember what the problem was 😛
I generally create an issue on git describing exactly what's preventing me from upgrading to track that kinda stuff 🙂 at least I sometimes do. usually i just forget
@ribesg It is multiplatform gradle plugin compatibility. Will be fixed in 1.3.30, so you can upgrade to 5.2.1 or maybe 5.3.1 if it's compatible with non preview gradle metadata.
Oh right, thanks