So I noticed that a lot of developers will use $mo...
# android
So I noticed that a lot of developers will use $module in there gradle so they don’t have to update the number in multiple places. However since android studio has this really nice feature where it lets you know when there is a new version of something (but this breaks when you use the $module approach. Just wondering is there a reason people dont just put the number and allow android studio to tell them there is an update, is it normally bad to update the gradle dependencies on an app, I would have thought it would always be best to be on the latest version of each dependency? thoughts?
In the project I'm working on at work; there are ~30 modules. It's a lot of work to go in and change them in every module, so instead, we just check the dependencies every couple sprints or so and update them. And if we're having issues with a library, we'll track to see what version of the library the bug was fixed in and update it when it's available. I think it just depends on the size of your project and what kind of processes you want to have 🙂
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Copy code
However since android studio has this really nice feature where it lets you know when there is a new version of something (but this breaks when you use the $module approach. )
That’s actually not true, it doesn’t break and you still get the version warnings even if you use template strings with variables from a separate file
Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 1.54.43 PM.png
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YMMV, but for a lot of dependencies and especially if you have multiple modules in your app it’s nice to keep all versions in sync
👍 2
Very helpful thanks 🙂
Oh ok now I remember why in doing the $version you are not able to right click and update. Yes it does tell you but you then have to manually update (that just seems harder).