Hi guys, I'm having this compilation issue: ``` er...
# android
Hi guys, I'm having this compilation issue:
Copy code
error: cannot find symbol
error: package javax.annotation.processing does not exist
import javax.annotation.processing.Generated
It seems to be related to dagger2, happens when I try to run my Espresso tests in my ec2 instance. I'm using Open JDK11, Gradle 4.10. Any Ideas?
are you maybe using JDK 9+?
I'm using JDK 11
Is there any issue with it?
Thanks a lot, few hours wasted on it. Just configured to use jdk 1.8, and that's it. Have a nice day!
🙋‍♂️ 1
I tried OpenJDK 11 few weeks ago and made Dagger work by passing
--release 8
through kapt options.
👍 1
For the missing annotation iirc I used
implementation 'javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api:1.3.2'