guys, any tips for me? im still a junior dev, and...
# android
guys, any tips for me? im still a junior dev, and its already 1 year i spent on android dev. but idk why, i keep write my android apps with procedural mindset.
So you use coroutines successfully? Or you encounter an issue with this mindset? I'm not sure what tips you're looking for 🙂
I think he means that he is not used to the whole Object Oriented Concept
hi @louiscad sry for my bad english. yes, its was like what @rkeazor said. im not used to OOP 😐
keep coding you will get used to it. before i learn java and programmed in C++ and a language that was 100 percent object oriented seemed crazy to me at first as well
@rkeazor well, i keep thinking like what you say. But i am just afraid if my think/opinion isn't true. So there is other people who think the same with me. Thanks.