how do you define “safe”?
# android
how do you define “safe”?
Not running into an issue that there is currently no solution 🙂
In the docs when talking about experimental support for multiplatform it says:
Copy code
All of the language and tooling features described in this document are subject to change in future Kotlin versions.
So there could be significant changes that may mean you have to rewrite parts of the app when you move version and you may lose support
Stability wise, I would say it's safe. But be aware that things may change in the future. If you want to use it in a production app, I would suggest using it in something that can be easily abstracted and won't change much. You should be able to easily swap it out for a native approach if need be. For testing I would suggest something closer to utility classes than full app architecture at this point.
what is an issue to which there is currently no solution? do you ever run in to such issues with “production ready” libraries?