Has anyone ever used Moshi as a converter for retr...
# android
Has anyone ever used Moshi as a converter for retrofit. I am having some problems with Array List. Exception is thrown because I don't have an adapter for array list. I don't quite understand what I am supposed to do here. Retrofit version 2.5.0.
As a rookie developer, Square libs are bad ? Objective thought please 😛
Bad? What do you mean? How objectively can you talk about all libraries from particular (very productive in terms of open source) company, I believe objective discussion maybe only about particular library in a particular case, but imo general level of libraries from Square is very high
I asked because I didn’t understand what you means with the hashtag 😛 (sarcastic or not). I use Square libraries and I’m happy with them ^^ So what do you think about Moshi, instead of Gson, and so on ?
wtf 😆
🙈 2
it's not Twitter,
== channel
It's not a hashtag, but link on related channel 😬 Also discussion Moshi vs Gson is actually off topic for this slack
Sorry 😑
@Ive Vasiljevic fyi, you might consider kotlin serialization for the same purpose, there is a retrofit converter.
@ghedeon Well the thing is...I am new with kotlin and retrofit all together and a guy from my company suggested to me that I should use Moshi instead of Gson for converting. Since I made that transition I ran into problems as you can see, but I worked it out with using Lists instead of ArrayLists. So for now that will do it. Nonetheless thanks for your suggestion I'll check it out 🙂
that guy said the right thing, you're on the good track 😉