Hello,Please can you help me ? I am beginner. Wher...
# android
Hello,Please can you help me ? I am beginner. Where can be a bug ? /Kotlin 1.3.21,AS 3.5 Canary 4 / I tried to change Gradle version current 5.2.1 and Invalidate Caches/Restart did not help. Thanks https://hastebin.com/zeyovujumu.shell https://hastebin.com/umowehuqew.xml https://hastebin.com/gixuvicabe.cpp
You enabled Offline mode in Android Studio, just disable it in settings (Build -> Gradle -> Offline work check box
Can't count the hundreds of times you asked here without taking 1 second to try to understand by yourself 😉 Error is plain clear in the message.
☝️ 5
I was not sure, so I ask,Ok,Thanks