hi guys. i’ve been using kotlin server side for li...
# android
hi guys. i’ve been using kotlin server side for little bit now, and thought of learning using it for android as well. can you direct me to some helpful resources to kick start this plan of mine? i also dont have experience with android development, so this might be challenging 😄
https://developer.android.com/ Is where all the docs are at. Most parts have a kotlin counterpart now
Your biggest hurdle is going to be Android development in general. I think Java tutorials will suit you well enough given that you are familiar with kotlin. I personally learned from reading docs and looking at open source code
https://developer.android.com/jetpack/ There’s also jetpack, which is a relatively new set of components that change how you code.
wow! thanks allan, this will be a great help. as for IDE, is intellij the suggested or would android studio be better? (im basing it mainly on the name)
Intellij has an android plugin, but I’ve always used android studio. I’d go with AS as I believe there’s a lot more integration
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