btw, was it introduced for a specific case? Maybe ...
# android
btw, was it introduced for a specific case? Maybe coroutines related. Or just for generic purposes?
It's complicated question to be honest :)
I'd say it is good for generics.
but I won't know the real reason, since I am not a Kontributor yet
Because it called now Result (not SuccessOrFailure as before) and in package kotlin (so doesn't require import)
It's generic usage
But original proposal has very limited use case
But even now it's pretty limited to be compatible with future improvements (see Result keep for details)
@gildor do you consider that using a sealed class instead of the builtin Result useless ? because the builtin one already covers the use case?
What do you mean?
Sealed class is much more universal feature
And of course you can implement Result-like class with Sealed classes.
Result is inline class, so success state is free to use, doesn't require boxing on runtime
my bad, I thought the Result builtin was also a sealed class in the implementation. I just wanted to know if the use is justified if I want the Success and Error cases handled nicely
There is nothing magic in Result implementation, you can write own version using inline classes
But Result has some language level limitations that require for future improvements
@Mehdi answering your question, use your own class, because your case is domain specific. Also, from the Result KEEP:
Copy code
NOTE: This Result class cannot be used directly as a return type of Kotlin functions. See limitations section for details.
You can use Result as return type, there is a special flag to enable it