I've notice a problem while using jacoco in a mult...
# android
I've notice a problem while using jacoco in a multi module kotlin project, the build fails when I'm using some
function from my base module on other modules:
Copy code
Unable to instrument file with Jacoco... $inlined$extra$1.class
I've found this: https://github.com/jacoco/jacoco/issues/688 and this: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/109771903. Apparently, there is no fix for this problem at the moment. Someone knows a workaround?
I have two suggestions, untried I must add. 1) Create a build variant that does not use inlining. Then run Jacoco on that variant. 2) Use Android Studio’s test with coverage Run menu choice. I have found the IntelliJ coverage to be much more reliable than Jacoco.
inline works best on higher order functions with lamdas.