I would achieve this by modularizing the moshi cla...
# android
I would achieve this by modularizing the moshi classes into their own module. Such that only changes to that module will cause the moshi kapt to run again. Advantage, your tests and release build times will also be faster, unlike any hack solution that only makes debug builds faster.
moshi has a reflection dependency but in release builds I want to have generated adapters.
I solved it by adding another build type for tests:
Copy code
buildTypes {
    forTests {
      initWith debug
      matchingFallbacks = ["debug"]

Oh I see, out of interest, why don't you want reflection for tests? If you don't trust their adapter generation, wouldn't running
test it?
I trust their adapter generation, I just don't trust mine 😉
For example I test the polymorphic adapter as it has to be set up by hand. Also I have polymorphic adapters where some parts are hand written and others autogenerated
I might be late (or maybe not helpful), but moshi 1.8 supports codegen and reflection based deserialisation as per your needs. You can use reflection for dev builds, and codegen for rest variants.
I know thats what this is all about