<@U3ZLHBTLG> what are you using? anko for build th...
# android
@louiscad what are you using? anko for build the views?
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An alternative to anko. I'm still working on a breaking release right now (after months of work), so I'll ping you with the link after it's done (hopefully, finally today)
ok thanks you
there’s nothing wrong with using
. Synthetic imports from xml just give you view caching. Not a huge benefit for most apps
you could also build a lazy delegate wrapper around
pretty easily
so you could do
val view: View by viewFinder(R.id.view)
@Matt Rea I don't see the link with this specific thread, we're not talking about findViewById but Views without xml at all here
@Matt Rea Maybe you targeted the message just above the one that started this thread?
oooo I misunderstood what you were saying about ’moving away from xml`. Thought you were talking about moving away from synthetic imports, not xml altogether
nice! Interested to see your work when its finished
The alpha5 version of Splitties is now available on jcenter and is on the master branch on GitHub. I'm still writing the release notes, but you probably only need the updated documentation. So, to make UIs in Android, I use the View DSL split, and you can read the documentation and try it by following this link: https://github.com/LouisCAD/Splitties/blob/master/viewdsl/README.md There are not much examples at the moment (because I also have a day job), but the API and the doc is there.
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