As a side note: the one development that is taking...
# android
As a side note: the one development that is taking our local build time from 15 minutes down to 5 minutes (yes, really), is the V2 DataBinding compiler. See:
DataBinding v2 compiler available at least 6 months, why didn’t try to use it before?
FIFTEEN minutes? what the hell?
😱 1
@gildor Two reasons: 1) We didn't know Data Binding was the cause until recently - we had done many Gradle scans and knew the time was spent Annotation Processing, but we assumed Dagger was the culprit until we enabled verbose
to discover the truth. 2) There is a bug in DataBinding v2 compiler that still prevents us from using it, and probably won't make it to production for another few months (It's working in 3.4 Canary 2 only). See: We actually have to explicitly disable v2 on current versions of Android tool-chain since upgrading to AS 3.2.1 broke our project due to this bug. @uhe 15 minutes is a good day! Our project's CI takes 32 minutes. It's painful.
Why do you need v1 compatibility?
Our builds take between 1 and 2 minutes on relatively fast machines and I'm already considering replacing some of our annotation processing based libs with something else because of that.
@gildor Because our project relies on a large in-house framework with a slower release cycle in which Data-bound layouts are provided, based on v1.
@uhe It's all relative isn't it? 🙂 I'd be doing the same in your position but right now I'd give my right arm for a 2 minute compile - it's been a slow year!