Hello, since I've updated to kotlin v1.3.0-rc, the...
# android
Hello, since I've updated to kotlin v1.3.0-rc, the android studio IDE doesn't recognize
. I'm using Android Studio v3.2.1 (Build #AI-181.5540.7.32.5056338). If I comment out the plugin, then sync, then un-comment, and resync, the plugin works again. Any idea how I could solve that?
Unfortunately its not related to kotlin 1.3-rc. Its old and already reported bug which was supposed to be fixed in AS3.2 but it still exists. https://github.com/gradle/kotlin-dsl/issues/377
@Andrey Danilov thanks for the share!
Btw I faced it too and just commenting and resyncing doesnt help 😕
I tried many kotlin and android studio versions from AS 3.1 to 3.3 and kotlin from 1.2.61 to 1.3-rc and its still the same
guess the only option is to suffer and wait
:S Well, I hope it'll be fixed at some point for both our sakes!
@CamilleBC just to know, do you use Kotlin for writing Gradle scripts?
Nope, I've begun learning android and Kotlin a month ago, so I am still far from writing my own gradle scripts ;)
ok, thanks. One of my suggestions was problem with kotlin-gradle, but looks like problem is not related with it