The question is what features do you use from Real...
# android
The question is what features do you use from Realm?
None. It just keeps the list of items between launches.
Frankly I would be okey with re-downloading the list every time the app starts.
If the list is small, just save it in prefs or some local files.
Can it be done automatically? It is just cashing, so it must be pretty common
you still need to write some code, like save JSON into file on disk or save it into shared prefs
Then I think it makes sense keep the realm since it does the whole writing into a file part for me.
I was worried that Realm was a legacy technology, but apparently it is not. Thanks for the tip!
Did you already see Room? Maybe it can help you.
I've changed realm in a project here to room and it was awesome!
Realm footprint is too heavy considering all you need is to write some JSON to a file.
Also distribute big native library just for saving single list is really too much imo.
Serialize list to any format and save to disk as simplest solution