What would you use for a greenfield reactive app: ...
# android
What would you use for a greenfield reactive app: LiveData, RxJava or Coroutines? If you would mix them, which layer would you use which?
LiveData + Coroutines
LiveData between UI and ViewModel, RxJava in other places
I only use RxJava and Coroutines. The only LiveData stuff I use is from Room, which just gets converted to Rx with the supplied adapter. I am very pleased with this.
Coroutines and Channels for the very light stuff and Rx for everything. It's great that I can use coroutines with Rx and it's a pleasure to use.
LiveData -> ViewModels RxJava -> useCase, repository, viewModels views -> rxbinding
Depends on application, but I would stay with RxJava, it has less performance overhead than LiveData and its way easier to find good devs and documentation for Rx than for coroutines.
Thanks guys, I’ll stick to LD in ViewModel layer, cause plays nicely with databinding and is lifecycle aware. Will do simple project with coroutines & RxJava on other layers and see what “works better”. Thanks for sharing