Hi here, I'm looking for a good resource on concur...
# android
Hi here, I'm looking for a good resource on concurrency in Kotlin (RxJava and Coroutines), I found the book "Reactive programming in Kotlin" but the review on Amazon is 1/5 and the commentator said "Poorly written and edited. Many errors in the text and examples. The examples are quite convoluted which obscures the point the author is trying to make." Anyone have any experience with this book, and should I move on from this book?
I don’t have experience with that book, but I would recommend some of the official docs on github
The first link has background on coroutines, the second contains sample applications of coroutines for UI stuff in JavaFX, Android, and Swing, while the third goes over integrating Rx with Coroutines
Thanks @Seri! Would take a look
Havent read the book yet, but I feel like they should really change the title. Because they are talking about how third party libraries do Reactive Programming, while the book title suggest these things to be native to Kotlin, which they are not
so im giving it a 1 out of 5 , for just that alone lol
Title was misleading lol
Hahaha @rkeazor. Actually, I just went through the first 150 pages of the book today (from about 600 pages), and was honestly disappointed. The sections on coroutines, functional programming, monad, was disappointing. The book is more of an RxJava book. So misleading title and not impressed with the quality of the content so far
Lol yea its abit annoying. There are books like that. If people are going to write a book about a 3rd party library, than the library should be part of the title. So readers no what they are buying