why does code get buggy certain times when the kot...
# android
why does code get buggy certain times when the kotlin plugin is updated
you probably need to gradle resync
i think it has to do with google adding annotations to libraries
e.g getting complaints like "overrides nothing"
overrides nothing
means that the signature of the thing being overridden doesn’t match anything in the object’s inheritance
Yes... buh this warnings comes from onCreateView : inflater onSavedInstance: bundle PS: i just updated kotlin plugin and support library
I wouldn’t be able to check myself without actually seeing your code, but I would investigate the objects you think you’re inheriting if I were you to make sure you’re calling what you think you are.
I had to manually go to all my files to fit it. My initial implementation of those methods were like
Copy code
override fun onSavedInstance(outState:Bundle?)
After updating, it appeared that the parent class is now
Copy code
public void onSavedInstance(@NonNull outState:Bundle)
Hence kotlin complains that I haven't overriden the proper method e.g overrides nothing Now imagine going to about 20files to fix this
Nothing buggy there and this is not because of Kotlin Plugin, looks that you updated Android support library. Support library annotated some methods with NonNull/Nullable annotation, so Kotlin now concider them as non-nullable/nullable types, not like platform types
👍 3