Hello, I am native android developer and student i...
# android
Hello, I am native android developer and student in university, currently managed to get a mid developer job in local company. I really enjoy Android development, especially using most popular and advanced technologies: RxJava, Android Architecture Components, Dagger2, Retrofit. I even become almost complete Kotlin developer(use Java sometimes) I spend a lot of time learning all that, and now it seems it is all for nothing... Our company has started to use ReactNative, other companies also move to cross platform or even PWAs. Earlier it did not make sense to me, but now I see that cross platform apps are better choice. I even bet that within 2 years Hybrid apps or PWAs are going to become even more popular and take over. It all happens because devices become much faster and can handle all functions, being just web apps instead of native. Can someone share their experience? I believe it is good for young people to know about better and more used alternatives , instead of wasting time in Android native development, because skills are not transferable to web at all! Also, why people are not using Kotlin for IOS? That would solve issue! Learn Kotlin and use it for IOS too
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You seem to have asked the exact same thing on /r/androiddev.
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yes, trying to get as much opinions and facts as possible
Sure, crossplatform will let you build for more platforms in a smaller timeframe, however, they have their own set of problems. Crossplatform tools have been around for some time now and since the beginning people say they will replace native. Today, that has not happened. I think they can coexist. Some apps fit crossplatform really well, others have to work around its limitations. Most definitely you won't match the performance using react. I think the kotlin team has looked or wanted to look into kotlin on ios, but I don't know what the current state is.
There is a great blog post from Airbnb about react native: https://medium.com/airbnb-engineering/react-native-at-airbnb-f95aa460be1c
Personally I believe Kotlin multiplatform is better suited for non-trivial apps. I made a proof of concept for an app and was surprised how easy and smooth everything got together
I am just waiting for coroutines and serialization to be compatible with Kotlin Native before using it in production
Hybrid apps will never replace, and I repeat never replace native. Startups might venture into hybrid for a moment, because A) either they cant afford developers for both platforms or B) they need a fast MVP on both platforms, or C) The app is so trivial, it doesnt need mobile capabilities... But I dont see any normal tech company having there whole Mobile Stack based solely hybrid framwork. And if you doubt just go on any Career search engine, and look for a native position vs a hybrid position... Sure maybe for releasing simple features or apps, but if there serious about there mobile app, there going to need native one or another. . I mean not to say Hybrid frameworks are bad...I personally think Flutter and RN are great frameworks, but they have there own space. I mean Facebook made react native and they dont even use it 100% of the time lol. As for Kotlin being supported by Apple, lol IOS doesnt do 3rd party bro lol.. They will never adopt it like Google did. Nor is there a good use case for it.They already have swift(which isnt as good as kotlin🤣, but it's good enough).
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It's a long walk accross that javascript bridge😉
It's not a big deal that Apple isn't likely to adopt Kotlin/Native. As long as you're LLVM compatible and Obj-C APIs compatible, you can integrate. That's how game developers do cross-platform (using NDK on Android, apart from LibGdx)
Yea defiantly . but he was asking how come its not supported by Apple , more or less