``` { "status": false, "message": "Duplica...
# android
Copy code
  "status": false,
  "message": "Duplicate entry '@gmail.com' for key 'users_email_unique'"
Copy code
  "status": false,
  "message": {
    "code": "1048",
    "message": "Something goes wrong."
It's not easy to handle such inconsistent API. But if you cannot fix this on server side... You can use some sort dynamic API (like parse to Map<Any, Any>)
Or use multi-step parsing to parse to corresponding error class, but still should check type on runtime
You would have to parse the json and check for the error body.Yea I agree API like this are annoying. They should just fail with a error code if something is wrong
But anyway, this is not in the scope of the chat lol.Wee I always tell you, Kotlin specific lol
@rkeazoraw! I'm so sorry Robert. 😞 I will be extra careful next time. My apologise.
@gildor thanks Andrey, definitely will try it out!
no need to apologize to me, i’m just reiterating the the channel rules lol. sooner or later we are going to have rename this channel to the slackoverflow channelstackoverflow🤦‍♀️
😂 2
😫 2