Hey guys, trying to apply a consistent style guide...
# android
Hey guys, trying to apply a consistent style guide for our team using Android studio and https://android.github.io/kotlin-guides/style.html seems more "official" than the included jetbrains one. But is there an importable style xml anywhere that matches it?
Why do you think this is more "official"? This is official style guide for Google, and their Kotlin projects. Actually official style guide from Kotlin Team is very close, but Google's also have some additional rules and some rules about Android
It sounded more official when working with android, taking android into account sounded like a good thing. Not that I can point out anything in the guidelines that applies to android specifically...
If the guidelines where only for their own development or their recommendation for everyone to follow was not obvious 🙂
Those guidelines required for their internal development or for contributots to Google's open source projects written on Kotlin. Same way as Google's Java code style or Google Java Android code style
Guidelines mostly the same, I don't know any significant difference. But because Idea provides implementation of official Kotlin guidelines I would recommend use it, but you still can use additional rules from Google guidelines, why not?
We ended up doing something like that, it would just have been nice with a completed community approved style specifically for kotlin + android that we don't need to maintain ourselves. But this will be good enough i guess 🙂