Hi. Anyone here facing the problem where the kotli...
# android
Hi. Anyone here facing the problem where the kotlinx synthetic references frequently become unresolvable in Android Studio 3.1.2? I find myself having to click sync gradle every now & then. Also happens to my team members.
🙋‍♂️ 4
Using kotlin 1.2.41
I'd like to know if there's a temporary fix we can use & if a permanent fix is on the way.
I've had this - usually happens if I did a
or a
Build > Rebuild
. Only option then is to do sync. I believe it's partially a limitation of Android Gradle (you're clearing the generated IDs and a sync rebuilds them)
😞 1
More specifically I think it's the task
that generates them (which is run when you sync)
But.. this never happened before AS 3.1 😟
There were a lot of changes to Android Gradle at 3.1 (a lot of lazy initialization and resolution was added I believe)
For memory there is a bug on youtrack about it
🤓 1
I've been using kotlin since AS 2.3 & only now has it appeared & driving me nuts 🤪
Yea it's quite annoying lol I think it's also somewhat related to Gradle's configure on demand aspect or something (it's all about the "only run what needs to be run" kind of thing)
Apparently it will always happen if you run gradle tasks from cmd line..
Ah nice find