is there any difference in these two ``` val isEmp...
# android
is there any difference in these two
Copy code
val isEmpty: Boolean
    get() = this.size == 0

val isEmpty =  this.size==0
yes, in first case it will be getter method with
this.size == 0
body, in second you just initialize property
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you beat me to it
Yep, when the size changes, the value returned from the second property won't get updated
In other words, the second one is an immutable property with a backing field that can't change while the first ont is a read only property that returns isEmpty according to the curreny value of size
In these cases - where you want to use the first one because you don't want the immutable property - is it better to use a function instead of a val/override get, or are they effectively the same?
I find myself using the first one a lot more because I like the style, and that's probably fine for all intents and purposes, right?
@adam-mcneilly Computed read-only properties are fine and idiomatic, in fact you can see a lot of them in the stdlib, especially in collections
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