Hi, does anyone faced following issue? ```Detecte...
# android
Hi, does anyone faced following issue?
Copy code
Detected problems with app native libraries 
(please consult log for detail):
libavcodec.so: text relocations
libswresample.so: text relocations
I do not use any native libraries. This happens on one screen on x86 device, so it's quite difficult to debug as I do not have one. I suspect Mobile Vision API or AWS SDK, but I use both in the latest versions. I found that in Android 7, they stopped allowing developers to linking to native libraries and therefore they need to pack application with libraries included, but I cannot influence what my libraries use. Any suggestions, please? :))
stackoverflow 1
You need to (1) recompile binaries or (2) downgrade target-api level. See more on stackoverflowor Google.
I do not have any binaries, that’s the point. :(( 😄
And I am aware that downgrading of targetApi should work, but according to docs, it’s just temporal.
Anyway, thanks for answer 🙂
Binaries should be inside jar/aar’s of your SDKs. You can extract and check.
Yeah, but whenever I sync project, upgrade version etc, I’d have to check binaries again
Maybe that is because of the third party framework that can`t do adapt x86 . And if have you do something about av Codec or playing av?
I am using Mobile Vision API and AWS Rekognition, but at the moment when a crash was reported to me (could not reproduce that on my device), there happens basically nothing that could cause that..