I am using dagger2 to manage the dependencies , is...
# android
I am using dagger2 to manage the dependencies , is it possible to inject dependencies in different modules. Suppose I have set up dagger two in app and if I want to use the same dependency in a module login?
👍 2
stackoverflow 5
as long as that dep is on classpath and the modules tie up into a common component class, youll all good
and one of those modules provide the dependency
I cannot access the dagger generated code in my login module, is there any resources I can read so that I can solve this issue?
You shouldn't access any dagger generated code in your modules except the generated dagger component if you need it. But that shouldn't be necessary in a library module
That's what I am trying to accomplish but I am unable to, here is the repo if it helps https://github.com/dilipMaharjan/DaggerTwoAndroid I am trying to get the User in data package to be used in login module.
the example login does not provide any dependencies or use dagger at all
The idea is to inject User object which I get from app to LoginActivity which is what I am trying to accomplish @agrosner.Questions: Am I trying to do it right? Is there a better way to accomplish it?
you need to place user object in login module or in another submodule that login inherits from
How does it help to accomplish injection between different modules?I haven't found any resource that explains where I can inject between modules. It would be helpful if you could elaborate or point me to an example. Thank you so much for taking time to help me out.
np. just create a dagger
for Login. include that in the appcomponent in your project. make a
per submodule you need that supply dependencies. if you need to inject
you need to place that object either in the
module where you can
it or in its own
inherited by both app and login projects
Could you please modify my repo or create an example app?
you can take a loot at this for reference: https://github.com/cerberusv2px/android-dagger-support
@sujin When I said module, it meant android modules not different packages(android lib modules)
theres plenty of examples online. I won't do the work for you 😛
I am sorry but not trying to make you work for me. I am trying to learn that's all. I am so far to communicate between the modules with new annotations but I am stuck as I am unable to understand how to inject object with Constructor parameter such as User("username","password") . For reference here https://github.com/dilipMaharjan/DaggerTwoAndroid/tree/dagger-two-with-new-annotations
do you mean injecting data module and the login module ?
@sujin I could get the injection working with new annotations but I could only inject string as I was trying out example but I want to inject the User object where I am having difficulty.This is the repo ( https://github.com/dilipMaharjan/DaggerTwoAndroid/tree/dagger-two-with-new-annotations) if it helps, where I am trying to inject User object from data module to login module