On a side note, has anyone used Intel's Multi OS E...
# android
On a side note, has anyone used Intel's Multi OS Engine? It looks like it could be pretty nice. I've been thinking about making a cross-platform view DSL for it.
"It looks like it could be pretty nice", eh? I think it looks terrible. I'm far more interested in kotlin/native. Have you heard about kotlin/native?
Of course, but Native means you have no easy access to common functionality, like dates and streams. The MOE has the standard library for Java in it and works with existing maven packages, so you still have access to networking libraries and such.
Actually, that leads me to another question. I'm gonna go ask in #multiplatform. Never mind, I guess people have already created cross-platform date/time and HTTP! That's awesome
Ah, but only for JVM and JS so far on HTTP. Guess there are contributions to make - perhaps I'll focus on Native instead. Thanks Scott!
oh, what date / time and http libraries have you found? I wasn't aware of any yet