There's a set of reported related bugs in `kotlin-...
# android
There's a set of reported related bugs in
regarding usage of synthetic view properties in multi-module projects and none of them has any comment from JetBrains team, no target fix version, nothing. This is a bit unusual for JetBrains - usually they react quickly. Any ideas why can this be? I'm asking because this bug is a showstopper for us to use synthetic properties in several projects.
hmm interesting question, so are saying that you have a base module that contains xml layouts, and when you use it in the child/feature modules, the synthetic properties are not generated for it?
in the build.gradle of both the base and the feature module , did you apply the plugin to both?
Yes, I have the setup you describe. The only thing that is different from your description is that during editing in IDE synthetic properties are accessible and no error is highlighted.
But once compilation starts, an error is produced. Even more weird is the fact that the error is emitted even if those properties are not referenced in my code.
I.e. if I simply add
<include layout="@layout/parent_module_layout>
- compilation breaks immediately, no other changes needed in any
file. @rkeazor
i'm experiencing the very same issue. still waiting for a fix
It looks like they've forgotten about
, no reply for a long time in any of those issues, and also there are other unanswered issues related to this sub-project...