Is anyone using kotlin coroutines as a replacement...
# android
Is anyone using kotlin coroutines as a replacement for rxjava? I'm starting a new project, and am considering coroutines in place of rxjava. I'm wondering what peoples thoughts are around this.
@spierce7 I love coroutines. So simple and so powerful at the same time. I'd recommend them anytime they suit your needs, and I know they suit many needs Android apps have. Also, they are lighter than RxJava in multiple ways (jar & dex size, methods count, learning curve, readability…)
If you don't have complex flow than coroutines rocks, but when you already heavily rely on rxjava I see no point using them together.
i've abandoned rxjava few months ago. feel totally ok with coroutines
Aren't they experimental at the moment? I like them a lot but I am afraid if anything breaks at any future version. I would be shaking at any future update.
@little They are under an experimental status indeed, but from what the Kotlin team said, we shouldn't expect a shaky migration, and if needed, they will provide tools for migration. Given the advantages of coroutines over anything else available in Kotlin, it's worth the future migration.
Some things rxjava does better (e.g., debouncing UI changes and working with multiple fields changing to do one thing) and some things coroutines do better (more easily understandable async code)
debouncing can be implemented by few lines of code with coroutines though
it's one operation w/ rxjava (.throttleFirst() or debounce())...not even a line of code. And doing combineLatest to do field validation on a set of fields in Java is simpler.
Yeah, it feels like all of those operators are easy to create though with extension functions, and whats even more though is I can create my own custom operators, and not have them be absolutely insane to understand as they currently are