Hi, is it easy to port an old Android project like...
# android
Hi, is it easy to port an old Android project like this (see refs below) to Kotlin? https://github.com/giuliohome/TweetSearch What is the suggested way to approach this task? Thank you 👏 I mean: is there a method to minimize the "code rewrite"?
First you should port it from ADT to Gradle
👍 2
Then make sure you’re on latest build tools and everything works as is
And then, try going through your code and working with automated Java to Kotlin conversion (AS Kotlin plugin feature)
Thank you @maciekjanusz! What about the first step (porting to Gradle). It looks a bit tricky, isn't it? Do you suggest a tutorial or a link about this or any other more specific comments?
cannot help much more, I was fortunate enough to never have used ADT
yes, I was looking at that, but it's rather intimidating. There was no gradle at that time and adt was the way to go... 😐 Thanks for your kind replies! See you next time
good luck 👍