I don't think/hope Java is not going away anytime ...
# android
I don't think/hope Java is not going away anytime soon. Java is a strength not a weakness
Yea, there is definatly some pros. One being that you can seamlessly integrate kotlin , in your java codebase. But in theory, that would also mean that kotlin is binded by the limitations of java.
The compiler does a good job translating features that Java can't have, to proper bytecode.
I think if kotlin language designers wanted you can deviate quite a bit from java as scala,groovy,jruby,jpython has shown while still executing within the jvm
Well there could be, and there's already, platform specific features. For example, #kotlin-native has
memScoped { … }
, Kotlin/JS has specifics APIs in its stdlib, and the language could go further this way if really needed