Why Android KTX? <https://android-developers.googl...
# android
Why Android KTX? https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2018/02/introducing-android-ktx-even-sweeter.html Wouldn’t it be better to maintain the same coding style on all platforms?
Same coding style? all platforms? What are you talking about? Java and Kotlin? But with Kotlin you can provide much more pleasant API that impossible in Java, so make sense to have such extensions. Also everyone already have own versions of them and don’t forget about Anko
My question refers only to Kotlin. KTX creates a even more simplified style only for Android developers, so that as soon as you got used to this it will be harder for an Android dev to write backend code in Kotlin
Android KTX are extensions to Android API
it doens’t change kotlin
that’s what I mean
I know
so how does this affect backend? it was platform specific either way
ah, I get your point @ebonet
I had the uri example in mind
but it’s about the android uri
so thanks for the clarification!
np 😄