<@U6M59SL1Z> The name of my library is "Splitties"...
# android
@evan The name of my library is "Splitties". It means all features are split in small, mostly independent modules, to keep the dex count as low as practically doable. I try to do so without increasing dex size by inlining big methods without lambdas. So I think I'm on the right path for small footprint, but I want to do the right naming choices and support the API for the long term
GitHub link? Will star and follow. And contribute? 🤔
That would be nice! Keep in mind the README is being increasingly outdated (will update when I've done enough to publish a 2.0.0-alpha1): https://github.com/LouisCAD/Splitties
I'm about to fight you over this mixed case variable right now https://github.com/LouisCAD/Splitties/blob/master/build.gradle#L51 (sarcasm)
@adam-mcneilly The intent is to have the version suffix separated from the name of the library. I do it only in gradle versions because how ext properties work is so flaky compared to... Kotlin for example?
I keep version together in a lot of mine (roomVersion, timberVersion, supportVersion) etc. To each his own, I just got a sensible chuckle out of it.
@adam-mcneilly Note that there's IDE warnings for naming conventions that are not followed (There are none in Splitties). Java, Kotlin have it. Groovy & gradle probably too, but ext properties report no warning here.
🤔 I'm gonna go back to that tonight and check it haha.
You're open to simple documentation PRs?
I have not written a contributing guide yet 🙄
I'd prefer you to open an issue first to discuss what you'd like to document
I want to have a good and consistent documentation :)
Well I just noticed the README was quite large and it felt difficult to break out the different sections (for each module) in my head, so I thought about adding section links to make it easy to navigate the readme - https://github.com/AdamMc331/Splitties/blob/master/README.md (You'll see the bulleted list right before the
App Context
That's just something I noticed without actually cloning this and digging through the code - which I'll do once I'm home and have time to dig in.
👍🏽 1
That's better than the current! Actually, I was thinking about ditching the whole documentation part from the README, providing only name, short desc, link to doc and copy paste ready dependency line
Yeah having all the different modules in the README will get really cluttered overtime. In the meantime though, do you want me to submit this as a PR or does it not fit with what you're trying to do?
It's good for the time being, so go submit! 😜
And yeah, if things were to stay as it is, it'd get cluttered for next version. I already have 20 library modules and counting
These must be pretty lightweight lol
Do you have an automated way to publish all of these to jcenter easily?
I had one but I had to build the modules one by one because some depends on other before uploading to bintray which is synced to jcenter
Gotcha. Welp I'm heading out of the office so I'll hopefully be able to tinker later. Love this idea and I'm eager to see which ones I can use myself/what I think is missing.
The publishing gradle script was originally written to support productFlavors of the library. I was originally super happy about what I could do and the fact I could reply to a year(s) long stackoverflow question, but I finally realized it was not the best idea for my library. As a result, the publishing script is a bit complex (more accurately, it's been a while I didn't look at it). It should keep doing fine, but I may simplify it before ot after 2.0.0-alpha1
I was looking at it yesterday, digging through the publishing scripts of various good/popular libraries published on jcenter.
Yeah, I figure groups like Square with all the various retrofit modules and converters have a smooth publishing process. No idea how it works though.
I know I won't be able to escape the hard part if I want to be able to publish snapshots (need to do so on sonatype which requires another config I don't understand, right?) one day (could help dogfood my libraries in various projects before committing to a version)
I will look at all of this when I'm ready for a nice snapshot or a 2.0.0-alpha1
One of the most important modules I'm dogfooding is one that made me stop writing UIs in XML. It's a View DSL for Android, similar to Anko, but even lighter, and more flexible
You can look at the MainActivity of the sample of my library Beepiz/BleGattCoroutines to have a preview of it
I find it very convenient for prototyping, but I also used it to ditch 99% of xml in an app. The update has made it to production and it works fine