hi everyone, happy new year I has been learning t...
# android
hi everyone, happy new year I has been learning the Android, So could you suggest me the Architecture MVVM of Kotlin (demo or app) used the RxJava2+ Databinding Thanks so much !
Java, but you can do the same with kotlin
😁 thank thank but this is used many framework and I can not understand 😁 @Nanchen
Actually example from Nanchen uses quite standard set of libraries for modern apps: Dagger for DI Glide for image downloading Retrofit, OkHttp, Gson for networking and json manipulation Timber the most popular logger on Android Mockito, Espresso, Robolectric for tests
@gildor 😁 Thanks you for suggestion but I try convert to kotlin and get many error ! So Do you have demo of kotlin 😁 I’m beginner android and very difficult for understand the project used the many libraries
what kind errors?
If you beginner don’t use full featured examples, just use library that you want. What exactly do you want to see in sample app?
For example for Databind library there are a lot of examples. But you asked about databinding + rxajava2 what exactly do you want to do with it?
And just check link that I sent above, https://github.com/googlesamples/android-architecture googlesamples/android-architecture contains a lot of examples that uses different approaches
I try convert to kotlin and get many error
Convertation is mostly very straight forward, not sure what kind problems do you have
@gildor Thanks you so much ! I talk above
Copy code
Architecture MVVM of Kotlin (demo or app)
used the RxJava2+ Databinding
Only used the Rxjava + Databinding and follow code the SOLID princes