is it possible to call the firebase cloud function...
# android
is it possible to call the firebase cloud functions through android ? like we do for general web api calls via retrofit or volley?
What do you mean “call the firebase cloud functions “? Cloud functions is server thing that reacts on some events, like Firebase DB changes or HTTP request, you can trigger this event, but I don’t understand what is “call” in this case
i meant, whether it is possible to calling those functions as like as we do using the retrofit or volley frameworks
I don’t understand you. Do you know how firebase clound functions work and what you can do with them?
retrofit and volley just rest and http frameworks
sorry, I'm a new to the firebase
just want to understand the architecture of that
want to know whether it is possible to access those clouds like our web methods (API's)
there is nothing to do from client side, it’s completely backend thing
but they could be used to create http server for example, that can be accessed from client
Anyway, just read docs and examples and it’s probably gives you some information to understand their use case and how do they work.
sure lemme look into it