A little help please? I'm having trouble with an i...
# android
A little help please? I'm having trouble with an inner class being able to use a function that is declared in the outer class. Not sure why this is happening because the tutorial I'm doing has the same thing but no error. Here is a simplified version of the code with the failing part pointed out by the comment:
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class DAO(){

    fun fetchPicture(){
        // Code...

    inner class InnerClass : AsyncTask<String, Int, Bitmap>() {

        override fun doInBackground(vararg params: String?): Bitmap {
            var network = NetworkingDAO
       // Following line fails with "Unresolved Refereence: fetchPicture"
fetchPicture() is not a function of your network object
You mean the DAO? Sorry, I should have labeled the outer class as being the DAO because it is. Editing that...
so, your fetchPicture belong to your DAO class or your NetworkingDAO class ?
you're defining it in your DAO class, and try to use it with a NetworkingDAO object
yea, sorry I'm really new to this. All of this code is in NetworkingDAO.kt . Here is the actual code, with the irrelevant parts left out:
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class NetworkingDAO {
// Irrelevant bits

fun populatePicture(pictureName: String): Bitmap? {
        // Declare the return type
        var bitmap: Bitmap? = null

        // Compose a picture URI
        val pictureURI = URI_DOMAIN + "/photos/mini/$pictureName"
        val URL = URL(pictureURI)
        val inputStream = URL.openConnection().getInputStream()

        if (inputStream != null) {
            bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream)

        return bitmap

    inner class GetPhotoTask : AsyncTask<String, Int, Bitmap>() {

        override fun doInBackground(vararg params: String?): Bitmap {
            var network = NetworkingDAO
what fails is that last line: network.populatePicture(picture[0])
ok I think i found it
sorry, I had the function duplicated because I was checking somethning... fixed that so that the function is no longer duplicated
what is picture[0] ? I think you meant param[0], to get the first agrgument of your asyncTask
trying that...
"network.populatePicture(params[0])" solves the problem with picture[0] but the call to network.populatePicture(... still fails
what is the error message now
I guess I should have mentioned that the function declaration at the top says that populatePicture is never used... and the error in the call at the bottom is "Unresolved Reference : populatePicture" ... I think it's a case of scope but afaik the call in the inner class should be able to see and use the declared function in the outer class.
But apparently it can't
I actually didn't have the whole inner class in that code but it still doesn't change the error of the Unresolved Reference. Here is the complete inner class:
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inner class GetPhotoTask : AsyncTask<String, Int, Bitmap>() {

        override fun doInBackground(vararg params: String?): Bitmap {
            var network = NetworkingDAO
            var bitmap = network.populatePicture(params[0])
            return bitmap

Huh... even using super@NetworkingDAO fails
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var bitmap = with(network){
Got it... Error Code ID10T: Bug was found in the chair to keyboard interface.
The function call was supposed to be in the main activity file, the picture vs. params was exactly what you said AND I had an issue where I was trying to put a nullable type into a not nullable variable. Thank you for your help!
👍 1
Actually, for anyone reading this later, it was the entire inner class that was supposed to be in the main activity file.