Okay, here's one - why is it that when I create an...
# android
Okay, here's one - why is it that when I create an instrumented test in Kotlin, and I try to use the play button in the IDE for that class to run it, it says empty test suite? But if I run
./gradlew cAT
in the terminal, it works fine?
Maybe you created unit tests run configuration for this test class. Try to delete it and press “play button” again, IDE should ask you about type of test
Thanks. Unfortunately was unable to do it this way, the IDE seemed to create a unit test configuration each time. Manually creating an integration one is good enough for tonight, I'll look into this more with a clear head tomorrow.
I have this option on AS now, just checked for a new class (Press “Play”, “Run MyTestClass…” and there is submenu with test type chooser). Maybe IDE cannot recognise your instrumentation runner configuration for some reason
🤔 1
Having the same problem 😕 clicking on the arrow doesn't work
😞 1
Did u solve it? ’Im having the same issue 😞
I did not. I haven't touched it since though.
FYI. I just solved it. I was missing the plugin: ‘kotlin-android’ in the build.gradle for the module.
Hmm I'm not at my personal laptop but I'll have to check that. The whole module was written in Kotlin so I don't know why tests would be any different.