<@U0BA7APAP> worked fine on our system, we also im...
# android
@spirosoik worked fine on our system, we also implemented Deteck for Kotlin static analysis
@James Coggan could you give me some more details? Eg. how did you exclude kotlin to not run with findbugs? for example in our case we have a java
module and this is the only part which seems to fail
btw @James Coggan does detekt works good for you? Any feedback?
it works ok, it doesnt detect as much as PMD+checksyle+findbugs
for findBugs we did this:
Copy code
findbugs {
    excludeFilter = rootProject.file('static-analysis/findbugs-rules/exclude.xml')
    exclude testSources
    includeVariants onlyDebugVariant
and this is our exclude file:
Copy code

      <Class name="~.*\.R\$.*" />
      <Class name="~.*Test" />
      <Class name="~.*\.Manifest\$.*" />
      <Source name="~.*kt" />

  <!-- Ignore Butterknife bind views -->
    <Class name="~.*Displayer" />
    <Bug pattern="UR_UNINIT_READ" />

    <Bug pattern="SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID" />

as you can see it has the
in there
yes I see we have the same
Finally I made it work James. thanks for helping.