Hey has anyone tried the Koin Dependency injectio...
# android
Hey has anyone tried the Koin Dependency injection library on a large project?
I am using dagger2 for big Android project with multiple module. And we don't have any issue regarding it. If you want to using dependency injection like dagger. First you need to know separate of each dagger module and component. For example, you might see many sample in GitHub using dagger. They blindly inject activity, fragment, httpmodule, dbmodule into single AppCompoment. This is not a good practice. You should separate each behavior.
In the case of httpmodule, wouldn’t you want it to be application scoped to reduce the number of times it’s initialized? at least with retrofit it is a costly init
Probably singleton scoped. I was asking in relation to Koin , currently using dagger 2 at the moment, but Koin seems to be a cleaner solution. But I wanted to know how it scaled in big projects
or if anyone has dared to try it in there production project
@radityagumay he ask
its not a typo ^^
Oh my. My mind hanging with dagger.
Yes, I know koin but not try yet.