I know this isn't exactly kotlin related, but I th...
# android
I know this isn't exactly kotlin related, but I think you guys might have some good advice. I need to manage a pub-sub connection between an android device and a server. Ideally, that means the app would need to listen to the server. How would you manage that? Periodically raise a connection (the server keeps messages on a buffer and fire them as soon as there is a connection established)? The app needs to at least look real time (instantly fire messages sent from app, receive messages without much delaying).
stackoverflow 8
Instead of keep listening to the server, you could use push notification to notify the Smartphone that there are new data available or sending the data directly
IMHO push notifications are not reliable, especially for something that needs to be real time
I would go for pooling/mqtt when the app is in foreground and rely on push notifications only when the app is not being used
👍 1
I think I'll stick to the MQTT continuosly open when on foreground. An open socket will not be as costly as pooling and won't waste as much bandwidth. Thanks